
Last week we received not-so-good news. Nothing life threatening or earth shattering. It wasn’t anyone’s fault nor was it something we could’ve known six months ago. It was disappointing news. It was frustrating. It was something we hoped wouldn’t come our way. It was the type of news, a decision, that comes with its own ripple effect. I knew immediately certain plans would have to be put on hold for the unforeseeable future, while other plans would need to be completely scrapped. Some of these plans were related to our family. Some were related to my business and its growth. Some related to finding more balance.

The day after receiving the news, I started to wonder if there was anything we could salvage. Life experience, both personal and professional, has taught me the less time acting like Chicken Little meant more time finding solid solutions. For this, it meant a lot of work would need to be started again. Work I hoped we wouldn’t have to do; not because we’re lazy, but simply because we thought it was a done deal. Over the course of the day, I started to put a plan together but something wasn’t feeling quite right. It felt forced.

The next day I called my mom about it. She commented maybe it was no longer was the right fit and suggested accepting the change laid before us. I wanted to roll my eyes since the advice felt like it was something I’d see on Tumblr or Pinterest, in some sort of fancy font with a sunset or some other inspirational image in the background.

Part of me wanted to force the most viable solution and not give up until it was done.

The other part of me knew it wasn’t a matter of quitting, but it was a matter of being patient.

It’s been exactly a week since we received the news. My mom was right. It’s turned into a blessing with certain pressures now removed. And while there is significant amount of work we have to do, I’ve found a new freedom in creating a plan better suited for us.

How do you handle change? Able to show grace under pressure? Is it natural for you? Or do you have to work at it?

Come hang out with this lil’ bird!
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