

Last month I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Kayla of Moments Don’t Collect Dust. It’s an award passed between bloggers as a way to get to know each other. In some weird way I feel like I was shown a cool secret handshake for being nominated. Thank you so much Kayla for thinking of me!

After digging around, there are three rules to follow in receiving the award (or at least this is what I’ve discovered)…
1. List 11 random facts about yourself and answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
2. Be sure to link back to the blogger who nominated you, and then nominate bloggers of your choice.
3. Ask 11 questions for the newly nominated bloggers to answer.

11 Random Facts About Me:

  1. I love the seasonal transition from summer to fall.
  2. I have two younger sisters.
  3. We’re each seven years apart (I’m the oldest).
  4. I’m quarter Korean.
  5. My name was inspired by a character in Hawaii, by James Michener. My mom was reading it while pregnant with me and I’m really thankful she wasn’t reading Tolkien at that time.
  6. I consider myself a social introvert: I can be really outgoing but I need a quiet space to recharge.
  7. I always read before falling asleep at night (I read books, not an e-reader). It makes everything else melt away.
  8. I’m allergic to cats.
  9. Maps fascinate me.
  10. When I went to college, I thought I wanted to be a high school English teacher, so I majored in English and minored in Art. I believed then – and still believe now – it’s easier understand literature when you understand the political, social, and cultural influences surrounding an author.
  11. I. Love. History.

Kayla’s 11 Questions for Me:


Oh, Feedly…

1. What are your three favorite blogs?
Ugh. My Feedly home page is the equivalent of a crazy cat lady – there’s so many I love! There are usually seven blogs I check on a very regular basis (the rest I try to read weekly/bi-weekly). Here’s three, randomly picked from the seven:
A. Little Green Notebook: more than anything I just want to see how Jenny finishes her home renovation! I like to see what she’s working on, what has been completed, and see if there’s a DIY I’m brave enough to do.
B. Legal Miss Sunshine: I love reading about Andrea’s adventures. She shares amazing photos in her posts – and she’s wickedly funny to boot.
C. Susie Makes Supper: Adrienne’s weekly menus are inspirations when you find yourself in a dinner rut. Also peek at her blog while you’re on her site. You’ll feel like you’re catching up with an old friend.

2. Why did you start your blog?
I realized I needed a creative outlet to share inspirations, events and whatnot after starting my business. The blog has gone through its own evolutions (just like my business), but overall I’m pleased with the changes and where it’s heading (just like my business).

3. What is your current favorite trend?
In the blogging world, I love authentic posting has replaced “just gotta get something out there” post. It seems a majority of bloggers are extremely thoughtful about their readers’ time and are thankful for the readers who visit their pages. Bloggers are writing about passions and interests, being honest about tough times, and their audiences seem to appreciate it. (I just realized you might have meant in terms of fashion…)

4. If you could travel anywhere right now, where would it be?
Paris. I realize for some it may seem cliché, but I haven’t been there yet. It’s on my bucket list and I’d love to visit it in the early fall.

5. What’s your most recent beauty/fashion purchase?
A dress; the end of season sales are amazing and I’m always trying to round out my wardrobe with nicer options for client meetings and networking events.

6. How did you decide on your blog’s name?
I just finished reading The Sparrow, by Mary Doria Russell; so the image of a sparrow was stuck in my head while trying to come up with a name for my business. I wanted something light, whimsical and deft, but most importantly something memorable. I’m also a fan alliteration. So Sparrow Soirées was created and since birds hang out in nests, The Sparrow’s Nest seemed like a natural fit.

7. What’s something you’ve recently seen or read that you would recommend?
I’ve been recommending Arcadia, by Lauren Groff, to everyone after my friend, Emily, recommended it to me. It was incredibly bittersweet and felt like a timely read.

8. Name 3 of your favorite online boutiques.
I’m a fan of Shop Sweet Lulu, Peony Knits and Moorea Seal. (I’m also excited to see what my friend, Kim, has in store for her her online shop, DLK Shop.)

9. What is your favorite thing about where you live? (Or name a few, if you can’t pick just one.)
We’re incredibly lucky here in Seattle. The Upper Left, USA (aka Pacific Northwest) is one of the most beautiful places one could live. There’s so much to see and do – ranging from the sea to the mountains to the plains to the farmlands. It’s amazing.

10. Dogs or cats?
Dogs. (see Fact #8 above)

11. What are your 3 must have beauty products?
Mascara, chapstick and a good tinted moisturizer.

My Liebster Award nominees:
Baby in a Bar  //  Hello Rigby //  Jac’o’lyn Murphy //  Krafty Kath  // Legal Miss Sunshine  //  Oh So Antsy  //  Small+Friendly  //  Susie Makes Supper //  Tinsel & Trim

My 11 questions for my nominees:

  1. Name three blogs you always find the time to read and, in a nutshell, why you read them.
  2. Why did you start your blog?
  3. What do you find the most challenging about having a blog?
  4. What do you find the most rewarding about having a blog?
  5. What advice would you give a new blogger?
  6. What’s your favorite social media platform to use on a daily basis?
  7. What are you currently reading for fun?
  8. Who are you currently listening to on the radio, satellite, or music app?
  9. If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go? Why?
  10. What is your favorite comfort food?
  11. If a tourist came to your city/town, what are three things you’d tell them is a must do/see/eat/drink/etc during their visit?
  12. Don’t forget to pick your nominees… I’m guessing at least three would fit the bill. Thanks all for playing along!

On a slightly differently note, don’t forget I’m giving away a $150 Visa gift card as part of the Love Your Look series. Be sure to enter today since it ends this Friday, 9/12/14, 9pm.

**by the way… I have no idea who created that awesome Liebster Award GIF; it’s a black hole image search. If you did it, please let me know so I can give proper credit. It’s made the rounds on numerous blogs cause it’s so awesome!**

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